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MicrobeLift Strontium & Molybdenum
MicrobeLift Strontium & Molybdenum


MICROBE-LIFT/ Strontium & Molybdenum (Plus Buffer) are bio-available natural components that will provide for vibrant growth of corals, tubes, clams, and calcareous algae.

MICROBE-LIFT/ Strontium & Molybdenum (Plus Buffer) does not require any pre-dis-solving and are essential elements for hard an soft corals, which are normally depleted by filtration and coral absorption. This proprietary formulation will help maintain the reef waters proper pH in addition to providing the bio-available Strotium & Molybdenum.

Why MICROBE-LIFT/ Reef & Marine Supplements? Sea salt mixes can contain 70 or more of natural saltwater's essential and trace components. These help sustain water quality for the fish, corals, invertebrates and/or macro-algae as nature intended. In an aquarium "closed system", protein skimmers, ozonizers, carbon filters and dynamic bio-chemical processes can reduce the important components, including calcium, strontium, molybdenum, iodide, bromide, iron, vitamins, amino acids and essential trace minerals.